Linked list
Data stored in nodes with each node pointing to another one. Two types:
- Singly linked: data + pointer to next node
- Doubly linked: data + pointer to both previous and next nodes
- Circular linked: tail points to the head
Used for implementation of stacks, queues (performance for insertion/deletion), trees and graph.
Pros and Cons
- Fast insertion/deletion of elements.
- Efficient memory utilization.
- Can grow and shrink during runtime.
- Consumes more memory because of pointer.
- Slow access to nth element.
- No random access.
Operation | Complexity |
Access | |
Search | |
Append | |
Insertion | |
Delete |
- Access: traverses structure until given index is reached.
- Search: traverses structure until element is found.
- Append: change value of pointers of neighbours.
- Insertion: same as append.
- Deletion: delete element and reorganise pointers of previous neighbours.